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Terms & Conditions

1. General

1.1 In these Terms & Conditions reference to O’Callaghan Collection refers to any and/or all of the following:

    • The Alex Hotel,
    • The Davenport Hotel,
    • The Green Hotel,
    • The Mont Hotel,
    • The Eliott Hotel,

and any other associated or affiliated companies of O’Callaghan Collection as well as any other hotels acquired, operated or rebranded by O’Callaghan Collection from time to time.


The terms and conditions outlined below should be read in full and accepted by clicking the tick box on the webpage. It is not possible to proceed with your reservation without acceptance of these terms and conditions. All rates quoted are subject to availability and alteration.


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information, O’Callaghan Collection do not accept liability for any errors or omissions and reserves the right to change information and descriptions of listed features and products.


2. Online reservations


Please note that different terms, conditions and cancellation policies may apply in relation to all online reservations made on the website depending on the room or rate selected. Please read carefully the room and rate details and policies that are provided to you before you make your online reservation.


Your reservation will be subject to these terms and conditions and any other policies listed on the specific webpage displaying your room or rate.


3. Promotions and special offers


Please note that all promotional offers are subject to specific terms, conditions and policies listed on the specific webpage displaying your room or rate. All special offers are subject to availability.


Any reservation made using an advance purchase offer must be paid for in full at the time of booking. Fees paid using an advance purchase offer are non-refundable.


4. Confirmation email and your right to cancel reservations


Reservations will only be confirmed on receipt by you of a confirmation email sent by O’Callaghan Collection or its authorized agent. In the event a confirmation email is not received within 24 hours of making a reservation, please contact us or the relevant booking site to validate and confirm your booking.


If allowed, cancellations must be made by you and received by us no later than 3.00pm on the day prior to arrival. O’Callaghan Collection reserves the right to charge for a portion of the reservation, which will be calculated by reference to the provisions detailed in the confirmation email. Where cancellation is allowed, and where notice of cancellation has been made by you and received by us by 3.00pm on the day prior to arrival, O’Callaghan Collection will refund any deposit paid via the original method of which it was received, to the guest.


Without limitation, refund of deposit monies does not extend to any reservation made using an advance purchase or similar rate. Any change or cancellation by you to an advance purchase or similar reservation is not permitted and will result in the forfeit of the entire cost of your reservation.


Notwithstanding your receipt of a confirmation email, your reservation is at all times subject to these terms and conditions and any other terms, conditions and policies listed on the specific webpage displaying your room or rate.


5. Our right to cancel your reservation


Subject to section 5.2 below, O’Callaghan Collection reserves the right to cancel any reservation, regardless of whether a confirmation email has been received by you, up to 3.00pm on the date which is seven calendar days before the reservation is due to commence.


If a reservation is made within seven days before the reservation is due to commence, O’Callaghan Collection reserves the right to cancel any reservation up to 3.00pm on the day prior to the commencement of the reservation.


O’Callaghan Collection are not under any obligation to offer an explanation for the cancellation, but reasons may include, but are not limited to, any overbooking of the hotel or system error.


Where O’Callaghan Collection cancels your reservation pursuant to this section 5 or sections 6 or 7 below, we will return to you any payment you have made to us via the original  payment method used by you.


6. Cancellation for reasons beyond control of the hotel


Without limitation to section 5 above, if, for reasons beyond the control of O’Callaghan Collection including, but not limited to, acts of God, civil disorder, acts of war, strikes, or labour disputes, O’Callaghan Collection are unable to meet their obligations under any agreement, this will not amount to non-performance of any contract and O’Callaghan Collection may terminate their obligations hereunder without further liability of any nature to you.


Should circumstances as outlined in 6.1 arise, O’Callaghan Collection will refund to you any deposit or the full cost of any prepaid advance booking made, via the original method used for payment.


7. Incorrect pricing


Without limitation to section 5 above, O’Callaghan Collection reserve the right to cancel reservations where any incorrect information has been displayed or provided in relation to a price or package advertised. This applies to any reservation and is subject to the cancellation policy outlined herein.


Should circumstances as outlined in 7.1 arise, O’Callaghan Collection will refund to you any deposit or the full cost of any prepaid advance booking made, via the original method used for payment.


8. Right to book out


If on your arrival at an O’Callaghan Collection the room you have reserved is unavailable for any reason, O’Callaghan Collection reserve the right, at our option, to relocate you to another room within the O’Callaghan Collection hotel group, if available, or, alternatively, to a comparable room in a hotel of a similar standard at another location.


9. Damage and loss


O’Callaghan Collection reserves the right to charge guests for the cost of rectifying or cleaning any damage which has been caused by the deliberate, negligent or reckless acts of guests to the hotel’s property or structure. This right to charge will also apply to loss of earnings and/or profit where the damage is of such a nature that the room is unable to be let to other guests. This right to charge will also apply where any item from the hotel room is removed or lost.


If such damage or loss is discovered during the stay it will be drawn to the guest’s attention but, if discovered after guests have departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit / debit card, or send an invoice for the costs for payment to the guest’s registered address.


We will make every effort to rectify or clean any damage internally prior to contracting specialists to carry out the work, and therefore will make every effort to keep any costs that guests would incur to a minimum.


10. Smoking Policy


O’Callaghan Collection operates a strict no smoking policy in their premises. Guests shall be liable for any costs, loss of earnings and/or profit or damage to a hotel room, premises or property, arising from failure to comply with this policy and O’Callaghan Collection reserves the right to charge a specialist cleaning fee to any guest who violates the non-smoking policy.


11. Gym Usage


O’Callaghan Collection offers gymnasium facilities for use by guests. In consideration of being allowed to participate in exercise activities at O’Callaghan Collection, including use of the gym facilities, equipment, and machinery, guests agree to waive, release, and forever discharge O’Callaghan Collection and its owners, agents, employees, representatives, executors, and all others from any and all responsibilities or liability from injuries or damages resulting from participation in any activities, or use of equipment or machinery.


Guests also agree to release all of those parties mentioned in 11.1, and any others acting upon their behalf, from any responsibility or liability for any injury or damage a guest may suffer, including those caused by the negligent act or omission of any of those mentioned parties or others acting on their behalf, or in any way arising out of or connected with a guest’s participation in any activities or the use of any equipment at O’Callaghan Collection.


Guests understand and are aware that strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment, is a potentially hazardous activity. Guests also understand that fitness activities involve a risk of injury and even death, and they are therefore voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment and machinery with knowledge of the dangers involved. Guests hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury or death.


Through their use of the facilities and equipment provided by O’Callaghan Collection, guests declare themselves to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, infirmity, or other illness that would prevent participation or use of gym facilities or equipment. Guests are recommended to obtain a physician’s approval for participation in an exercise/fitness activity or in the use of exercise equipment and machinery prior to their arrival at O’Callaghan Collection. Guests are further recommended to have a yearly or more frequent physical examination and consultation with a physician as to physical activity, exercise, and use of exercise and training equipment to obtain recommendations concerning fitness activities and equipment use.


Guests acknowledge that they have either had a physical examination and been given a physician’s permission to participate, or that they have decided to participate in an activity and use of equipment and machinery without the approval of a physician, and hereby assume all responsibility for their participation and utilisation of equipment and machinery in such activities.



These Terms and Conditions apply to any Customer using the car parking services at Alexander Court Car Park.
Persian Properties Unlimited Company reserves the right to change and update these Terms and Conditions from time to time.
Please remember that the Car Park is open to the public and it is not possible to guarantee the security of your Vehicle and its contents.
1. Definitions
1.1 In these Terms and Conditions any reference to “Persian Properties Unlimited Company “, “we”, “us” or “our” refers to Persian Properties Unlimited Company, Hospitality House, 16/20 South Cumberland Street, Dublin 2.
1.2 Any reference to “Customer”, “you” and “your” refers a person who has entered into a contract for the parking of a Vehicle at the Car Park. All customers entering into a contract with us for the parking of a Vehicle at the Car Park, by entering the car park will be considered to do so on behalf of themselves and all other persons with whom they hold themselves out as representing.
1.3 “Car Park” means the parking facility operated by Persian Properties Unlimited Company in the vicinity of Alexander Court Car Park, 11-14 Fenian Street, Dublin 2.
1.4 “Our Representative(s)” means any of our officers, agents and employees (acting in the course of business and within the scope of their duties towards us) and any of our agents’ officers, agents and employees (acting in the course of business and within the scope of their duties towards us).
1.5 “Vehicle” means any vehicle which enters into the Car Park and includes any mechanical device on wheels or tracks, its equipment, accessories and everything that may be left in or on it.
2. Our Responsibilities and Liabilities
2.1 We have an obligation to you, in return for the parking charge or charges paid or to be paid by you, to provide a space in the Car Park, if one is available, in which to park a Vehicle for the time allowed based on the amount paid or to be paid. We have no obligation to maintain custody over the vehicle or its contents.
2.2 You should be advised that the car parking areas are the private property of Sherborough Enterprises Limited. Persian Properties Unlimited Company nor Sherborough Enterprises Limited offers no warranty or indemnity as to the protection or safety of the vehicles left in the car parking areas or any goods left within the vehicles. The use of the car parking areas, and the use of any services provided by a third party in the car parking areas, is entirely at your own risk. Persian Properties Unlimited Company nor Sherborough Enterprises Limited, and our Representatives accept no liability in respect of:
(a) any loss, destruction, damage or theft of or from the Vehicle or the contents of the vehicle; or
(b) any death or personal injury sustained by you and/or other person.
2.3 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or limits the liability of Persian Properties Unlimited Company for:
(a) death or personal injury caused by Persian Properties Unlimited Company or Sherborough Enterprises Limited negligence;
(b) any matter for which it would be illegal for Persian Properties Unlimited Company or Sherborough Enterprises Limited to exclude or attempt to exclude its liability; or
(c) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
2.4 You will indemnify Persian Properties Unlimited Company and Sherborough Enterprises Limited against all claims, demands and costs whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the presence of the Vehicle in the Car Park unless you can prove that the loss, damage, death or injury the subject matter of such claims or demand was caused solely by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of us, our servants or agents. Every Customer, when he/she enters into a contract with us for the parking of a Vehicle at the Car Park, whether by purchasing a ticket or otherwise, enters into this Clause 2.4 both on behalf of him/herself and as agent for and on behalf of all other persons having proprietary, possessory or other financial or material interest in the Vehicle (and including, for the avoidance of doubt, the contents and/or anything stored in the Vehicle), any passengers in the Vehicle on entering or leaving the Car Park and any person(s) he or she may permit to access or use the Vehicle while it is in the Car Park as principal(s), and warrants his/her authority to so contract and represent and act as agent for and on behalf of such person(s) and/or entity/entities for this purpose.
3. Use of the Car Park
3.1 Any person who enters the Car Park is taken to agree, in return for the use of the Car Park in accordance with these terms and conditions, to be bound by and to comply with all of these terms and conditions.
3.2 Only the following people have permission to enter or remain in the Car Park:
(a) our authorised Representatives;
(b) any owner of a Vehicle who comes into the Car Park to park it in connection with visiting an O’Callaghan Collection Hotel, or to collect and remove the Vehicle, provided that all charges due to us are paid before it is removed;
(c) any passenger travelling in a Vehicle with the permission of its owner when the Vehicle is brought into the Car Park in connection with visiting an O’Callaghan Collection Hotel or who is intending to travel in the Vehicle, with the permission of its owner, when it leaves; and
(d) any owner of a Vehicle, or person authorised by its owner, who requires access to the Vehicle while it is parked in connection with visiting an O’Callaghan Collection Hotel.
3.3 Permission is not given for vehicles of a type expressly excluded by notices at the entrance to the Car Park i.e. vehicles over 1.93m in height.
3.4 If you are not a person with permission to enter or remain in the Car Park, any Representative may require you to leave at any time and they are authorised if necessary to call for Garda assistance to have you removed.
3.5 If you have another reason to visit the Car Park or have an enquiry regarding a Vehicle on the site you should approach a Representative before entering the Car Park.
3.6 We are entitled to check whether anybody who is in the Car Park has permission to be there and a legitimate reason for being there. Your cooperation is appreciated as this can help to improve security.
4. Parking Charges
4.1 All parking charges are displayed on an O’Callaghan Collection Hotels websites. We reserve the right to alter the parking charges at any time in our sole discretion. Any changes will be applied immediately when the rates displayed on the websites.
4.2 This car park is a cashless car park. Cashless payment may be made with debit or credit cards or other electronic means where available.
5. Safety and Security
5.1 Please ensure that at all times your Vehicle is securely locked and where an alarm is installed it is activated.
5.2 When you have parked your Vehicle, it is your responsibility to:
(a) lock your Vehicle securely;
(b) fully close all windows of your Vehicle;
(c) apply your handbrake properly;
(d) engage any steering lock, alarm or immobiliser you have;
(e) not leave any animal or person within your Vehicle; and
(f) ensure that your possessions are placed in a locked boot and are not on display.
5.3 Persian Properties Unlimited Company nor Sherborough Enterprises Limited cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever occurring to your Vehicle or possessions within it.
5.4 Speed Limit: There is a maximum speed limit in the Car Park of 10 km/h.
5.5 You must drive carefully and responsibly in the Car Park. You must also ensure that any children and animals are properly supervised and are at all times accompanied when they are using the Car Park. Please take care to be aware of all Vehicles in motion within the Car Park.
5.6 You must comply with all directional signage and other instructions when in the Car Park.
6. Moving of Vehicles
6.1 We or our Representatives reserve the right to move any Vehicle within or outside the Car Park to whatever extent as we may deem necessary and sufficient to carry out the efficient management of our parking facilities. Vehicles parked otherwise than in a designated parking space may be towed away without notice and any cost of recovery and storage will be charged to you.
7. Warnings, Parking Charge Notices and Clamping for breaches of parking restrictions
7.1 We and our Representatives have a responsibility for the enforcement of parking which is essential for the free flow of traffic and for safety. Restrictions on where you may park will be indicated on signage displayed in the Car Parks or by markings on the ground and it is your responsibility to check that your Vehicle is not parked such that it is in breach of any restriction.
7.2 We or our Representative may issue warnings, parking charge notices and clamping of your vehicle for breaches of the restrictions, including but not limited to, parking:
(a) in an area in the Car Park not specifically designated for parking, or in a restricted area in the Car Park;
(b) beyond the bay markings in a single designated Car Parking bay; and
(c) parking in a bay reserved for another purpose, including but not limited to:
(i) parking in a disabled person’s parking space without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge belonging to yourself or another occupant of the vehicle;
(ii) parking a motor-cycle anywhere in the Car Park, other than in an area designated for that purpose; and
(iii) parking in an EV charging space without actively charging your vehicle
(iv) parking in a “Parent and Child” space when you are not accompanied by young children at the time of parking
7.3 Details of the procedure from time to time in force for paying a parking charge notice/clamp or appealing against the issue of a parking charge notice/clamp are set out on the back of each parking charge/clamping notice.
8. Abandoned Vehicles
8.1 We reserve the right to clamp any Vehicle which we reasonably believe to have been abandoned and shall be entitled to regard as abandoned any Vehicle which has been in the Car Park for more than 14 days.
8.2 We have the right to charge a de-clamping fee for removing the clamp. Wheel clamps are our property. Anyone damaging or removing a clamp without authority will be reported to the Gardaí.
8.3 While the Vehicle remains in the Car Park, parking charges will continue to apply at the current daily rates and will also be added to any earlier outstanding charges (including any de-clamping charge) which must be paid before the Vehicle is released).
9. Liens
9.1 Every vehicle in the Car Park is subject to a lien for all charges due or accruing from you to us, such liens to be in existence whenever the vehicle is in the Car Park. If such charges due are not satisfied within 28 days of notice given by us of our intention to sell the vehicle if payment is not made, we may sell your vehicle by auction or otherwise, and the proceeds of the sale will be applied in and towards satisfaction of all sums owing to us by you together with the reasonable expenses of such sale, and in connection with such sale we shall be entitled to deduct reasonable garage charges in respect of the period during which the vehicle is in our possession.
9.2 The notice mentioned in Clause 9.1 shall be deemed to have been properly and sufficiently given by the affixing of a written notice to the Vehicle, whether or not you receive or view this notice.
9.3 Any balance of purchase price remaining after the satisfaction of such sums due to us shall be held by us on behalf of the registered owner of the vehicle. Notice of intention to sell the vehicle if payment is not made shall be deemed to have been properly and sufficiently given by the sending of written notice by prepaid post, addressed to the registered owner at their last known address, whether or not the same is actually received.
10. Prohibited Activities
10.1 You are not allowed to tow or have towed a Vehicle into a Car Park.
10.2 You are not allowed to spend an excessive amount of time (as determined by us) in your Vehicle whilst it is parked in the Car Park this includes sleeping in your Vehicle or staying overnight in a Vehicle.
10.3 You are not allowed to park anywhere except in a marked bay.
10.4 The following activities are not permitted at any time in the Car Park:
(a) conducting any service work, cleaning (unless carried out by our employee or agent/Representative) or repairs to the Vehicle;
(b) partaking in any business activity in connection with selling, hiring or other disposal of the Vehicle;
(c) filling or emptying of fuel tanks;
(d) misusing or damaging any facilities in the Car Park;
(e) driving dangerously or too fast;
(f) making unnecessary noise, including playing music in any way that annoys other users of the Car Park or people who live or work nearby;
(g) filming or taking photographs;
(h) cooking or lighting fires;
(i) using the full facilities of a camper van, including but not limited to the toilet, bathroom and kitchen;
(j) doing or attempting to do anything which is a criminal offence; and/or
(k) doing or attempting to do anything which, in our reasonable opinion would cause a danger to yourself or to others.
10.5 Permission to use the Car Park is automatically withdrawn if you or your passengers or anyone else under your control do any of the things prohibited in Clause 10.4.
10.6 Your Vehicle may not be parked, left and/or present in the Car Park for more than two consecutive days.
11. Reporting of Incidents and Claims
11.1 If you suffer loss of, from or damage to your Vehicle whilst in the Car Park or sustain any personal injury you should ensure that:
(a) you immediately report the incident to the staff (including our Representative);
(b) if theft is involved, you report it to the Gardaí immediately; and
(c) your insurance company is notified promptly.
11.2 If you wish to make a claim against us or any of our Representatives you must ensure that within 48 hours full details of the occurrence is received by us and/or the Representative either through the head office or the location manager. Before submitting this claim please ensure that the claim falls within our Representative’s or our area of responsibility – see Clause 2 “Our Responsibilities and Liabilities” above.
11.3 Failure to comply with the above procedure may prejudice your claim.
12. Force Majeure
12.1 We do not accept liability for any lack of access to the car park caused by reason of war or threat of war, riots, civil strife, terrorists activity, industrial disputes, natural and nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions or technical problems to transport, closure or congestion of airports, cancellation or changes of schedules by airlines and all similar events beyond our control. Further, we cannot accept responsibility where the performance or prompt performance of this contract with you is prevented or affected as a result of such circumstances beyond our or your control.
13. General
13.1 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall take away or modify any of your statutory rights or entitlements.
13.2 These terms and conditions constitute the whole agreement between us and you. However, we reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.
13.3 These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Persian Properties Unlimited Company and Sherborough Enterprises Limited with respect to the provision of the relevant services.
13.4 These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with Irish Law and any claims arising under them are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.
13.5 If any provision of these terms and conditions (or part of any provision) is found by any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed not to form part of these terms and conditions, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this agreement shall not be affected.
13.6 If a provision of these terms and conditions (or part of any provision) is found illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.


13. VAT


Where applicable to group and corporate contracts, reservations will be subject to VAT charged at the prevailing applicable rate at their time of stay.


14. Site use


The O’Callaghan Collection websites are intended to help guests in determining the availability and booking of a hotel reservation. Apart from printing information in connection with your travel, you are not entitled to reproduce, replicate, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit the O’Callaghan Collection websites unless we provide you with prior written permission to do so.


15. Eligibility of use


Use of the O’Callaghan Collection websites is restricted to people over the age of 18 who can enter into binding contracts.


16. Links to third party websites


Links that feature on the O’Callaghan Collection websites are links to other websites, which we believe may be of interest to you. By providing these links we are not endorsing or recommending such websites or the services or material provided by them. We therefore accept no responsibility for the materials, services or other situations at or related to or from any other website.


17. Liability disclaimer


While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure accuracy of information, the content of the websites may include technical, typographical or content errors. Therefore, it is important to refer to the disclaimer information below, before using the O’Callaghan Collection websites.


18. Warranty Disclaimer


The content of the O’Callaghan Collection websites is provided “as is” without warranties of any kind, implied or expressed, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation, the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. O’Callaghan Collection also does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, links or graphics found on the O’Callaghan Collection website. O’Callaghan Collection may make changes to the content or policies at any time without prior notice.


19. Limitations to liability


In no event shall O’Callaghan Collection be liable for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of any service provided to you by O’Callaghan Collection (or by failure to provide such services) or your access or use, or inability to use the O’Callaghan Collection website. You hereby waive any and all claims against us howsoever arising


Without prejudice to the foregoing, O’Callaghan Collection will not be responsible for any additional and / or third party related costs paid by you in contemplation or in connection with any reservation, or incurred during your stay.


Without prejudice to the foregoing, in no event shall the total liability of O’Callaghan Collection to you arising from these terms and conditions exceed the total cost of monies paid (or payable) by you to O’Callaghan Collection in connection with your reservation.


Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit any liability of O’Callaghan Collection for fraud, death, personal injury, or any other liability which cannot be excluded by law.


20. Privacy Policy and cookie statement


By using this website, you are deemed to be accepting the provisions of our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement.


View Privacy policy here.


21. Sustainable Tourism Tax


Please be advised that the Gibraltar Government has announced a Sustainable Tourism Tax that applies to guests at a cost of £3 per guest per night, excluding children under the age of 12.Unfortunately, this charge is out of our control and is payable at reception on arrival. This tax is not included in your booking and is an additional cost, payable with immediate effect from 1 August 2022 and for the foreseeable future.




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